horrors of the night

A sun clipped paper hanging up the door…
The ceiling painted with blue and white fluffy clouds…
But the fog crawls from under the bed…
Filling the room more and more…
The darkness spreads around in a matter of minutes…
Seconds maybe…
Noises coming from everywhere…
Only getting louder and louder…
Hide under the sheets and then there’s…. Silence…
Its dark and quiet…
But its warm…
Its safe…
Take a moment to think…
Take a moment to drift away…
And a new day begins again.

Fatma Bujsaim

June 1st, 2012.

When all…

When all is gray, and there’s nothing left.

Nothing but a small shining pebble in the sky,

Might be a star, might be the moon,

Not even sure what everything is.


When all is blue, and there’s no sun anymore.

No sunshine, no clouds, no rainbow.

Might be lost, might be confused,

Not even sure where everyone is.


When all turn out not what they seemed.

When gray isn’t gray, when blue isn’t blue,

When all the colors in the world are no colors at all

Life begins again.


We choose to live

We choose to survive

We choose to make life worth living

In our own way


Is it to start over, and begin again?

Or is it to move on and write a new story?

Can we live and forget

Or will our memories keep haunting us


So when all is gray

When all is blue

When nothing seems what it seems

Choose to live.



Fatma Bujsaim


Controlling happiness

I have never believed in the concept “you control your own happiness”. To me, what makes you happy, makes you happy. There are things that make us smile, and then there are things that upset us. It was very simple, and that is how I saw life, until the day came where I was extremely bored and started wondering why I was told to control my own happiness.

I sat in front of a mirror (at the time I did it for absolutely no apparent reason) and started to think: what makes me upset?
I made a short list of what was upsetting me at that very moment. The list started growing, branching to the people who upset me and what I do not like in them. The list them grew to the things I do not like in my life and the people around me. And from there, the list grew longer and longer of all the things that upset me in general and depress me; things that were not related to the first point on my list.

Half an hour passed and I felt very heavy. I was upset at first but now I was depressed. My head was hurting and I was in a very bad mood. I felt angry; angry for no reason at all.

I lifted my head and saw a grumpy face looking at me, and that’s when I realized that I have created this dark cloud myself. I was perfectly normal before all of this, and half an hour later I felt angry and depressed; I literally felt like screaming at people.

I also realized that not only myself, but my friends as well, tend to connect negative things together. Not because they are related, but because they have a negative vibe, and we never notice this thing in ourselves. For example, when I am asked “what is wrong?”, I would unconsciously say “I have a paper due today, I was late to my first class because I overslept, and I think this professor hates me, and I have a million assignments and that’s excluding the things my mom want me to do.” I made a very long list in 35 seconds when the real answer is: I have a paper due.

I started thinking again about the happiness-concept, and here I am writing about it; I controlled my own unhappiness, so why is it so hard to control my happiness?
I made another list of the things I am grateful of, things that make me happy, the people who make me smile.
And here I am.
A happier person than I was moments ago.
So I guess it is true; we control our own happiness. But I think we are blinded by our own negative thoughts.

In a nutshell, you have to want to be happy in order to actually be happy.

Fatma Bujsaim

The misuse of the word “feminism”

I have recently come across many women who bash men and criticize them. Their comments make men sound like evil, selfish monsters who think of themselves only. Some women took their negativity to the next level by saying men only want to bring down women and that they are threatened by them…

But why?
Why do some women say that?
Why do they get so defensive and aggressive?

I spent a lot of time thinking of why such things would ever be said since I have never experienced such a thing myself, and I did not want to directly judge those women.

I reached the conclusion that one of the main reasons women would assume all men are like that is that they must have been abused at some point in their life by men; maybe not physically, maybe mentally and psychologically. And that happens to some people depending on the environment they have been raised in or lived in.
Some women are also like that because (maybe) they have been emotionally hurt.

But I think a lot of times it is a trend, some do not have a direct reason. They just assume men are like that because of stories they have heard that might or might not be true. Stories and experiences that are not directly linked to them.

I also think the word feminism was overused in these cases. Those women would say they are feminists when I bet they don’t even know what it means.

The Merriam dictionary defines feminism as “a theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes” (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/feminism)
It does not say anything about men-bashing or hating them?
So why misuse and overuse the word?
Feminism has a long history where it first appeared in France and the Netherlands in 1872, and it was to create social equality between both genders. In the 1890’s, Britain was introduced to feminism, and the United States in the 1910’s. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_feminism)

Betty Friedman and Betty Ford are both famous feminists who fought for social equality and women empowerment, but have not bashed men and degraded them in order to empower women. So why should the modern women do that?

Yes, there are men out there that are not so great, just like there are women who could be avoided as well. So it is not about the gender of the individual, its about the individual himself.

If we are going to judge others we might as well judge them right. And that means we do not judge them based on their gender, age, race, or job title; we judge them based on who they are as human beings.

Fatma Bujsaim

Tears were rolling

Tears were rolling

With every apology that was made


Tears were rolling

With every breath that was took


Tears were rolling

With every goodbye that was said


Tears were rolling

For no reason at all


Tears were rolling

Because the end is near


Tears were rolling

Because it was all unknown



Fatma Bujsaim

Our day…

Opened the curtain wide,

found the sun shining high.

A new day.

A day without you…

Filled with challenges and opportunities…

Striving hours,

Memorable minutes,

Peaceful seconds.

Another day without you,

Without sharing the moments,

Without knowing who you are.

Just a day, that is spent without you,

But our day will come…

The day we fly together beyond the stars…

The day we decide to share the rest of our lives together…

For now, we stay apart…

Waiting for our day to come.

The day we become an “us”,

not just a “you” and “I”.

A moment. A glance. A smile.

A moment… Just a moment… to melt my heart

A glance… Just a glance… to captivate me

A smile… Just a smile… to take my breath away

How can I escape?

Why should I resist?

Give me a reason to fight this…

Give me a reason to bury these flames,

I’d answer them all with a “so what”

A risk… I’m willing to take…

A voice… I’m willing to carve in my mind…

A heart… I’m willing to cherish…

A rouge soul… I’m willing to tame…

A melody… I’m willing to sing…

A life… I’m willing to make…

All for that moment… That glance… That smile…

Fatma Bujsaim

عشرون دقيقة


عشرون دقيقة،

كانت عشرون دقيقة،

وكأنها عشرون ثانية…


عشرون دقيقة،

فقط عشرون دقيقة،

لأجد روحي محلِقةً في السماء عالياً من جديد…


خمسة عشرة دقيقة،

فقط خمسة عشرة دقيقة،

لأشعُر بالدفءِ حولي…


عشرة دقائق،

فقط عشرة دقائق،

لأجد نبع إلهامي…


خمسة دقائق،

فقط خمسة دقائق،

لتبدأ أناملي برسم لوحٍ أخرى…


أربعة دقائق.

فقط أربعة دقائق،

لأصبح طيراً يغرد ويغني…


ثلاثة دقائق.

فقط ثلاثة دقائق،

لتتسابق دقات قلبي مع بعضها…



فقط دقيقتان،

ليطمئن قلبي من جديد…



دقيقةٌ واحدة فقط،

آخذها لأكتب ما أوحي إلي من مشاعر و أحاسيس…


فاطمة بوجسيم

Her Story

This is the story of a friend of mine… a very close friend that I care a lot about.

She was the most innocent person you can imagine; she was sneaky and mischievous in her own way. All the trouble she got herself into was based on her innocence, and she had fun, people forgave her. She was strong, passionate about everything, a perfectionist in her own way, and cared about no one yet cared about everyone.

At some point in her life she thought she fell in love with someone very close to her. That person ended up hurting her. It took her a long time to get through it, and she did. It took her a year of suffering and darkness. It might sound dramatic but for someone to get hurt at a very young age is not something anyone would want to go through and especially by the person that became the center of that someone’s life.

She changed her life, and became a better person. A better person from who she was before the dark-phase she went through. As for that part of her life, she buried it deep within her. She left one picture of that person to remind herself, when she falls, that nothing could possibly hurt her more than that person. That picture was her strength. It was her striving force.

She lived for herself, her family, and her friends. 2 years later, she made the same mistake of falling for someone, this time it was the right person who was wrong in all possible ways.  She was happy, and it was too good to be true. Sadly, she had to walk away a day before a year passes from finding this person. Decisions had to be made. Hearts had to be broken. Something’s just had to be done, and the stronger had to take action.

She has lost hope in matters of the heart. She just wanted to be happy. She was happy; she had everything.

She just didn’t have someone to share it with.

She didn’t want anything; she just wanted someone.

Someone to talk to,

Someone to be there for her,

Someone who supports her,

Someone who cares

She started believing that love doesn’t exist.

She numbed her heart so she wouldn’t feel anymore, and it worked. Her heart felt nothing most of the time, the rest of the time it was occupied by loving her family and friends.

I have seen her fall and get up again. I have seen her making the same mistakes in different ways over and over again. I have seen her freeze her heart and make the ice melt again. I have seen her throw it away and step on it herself. I have seen her kill her heart so she wouldn’t feel anymore.

I have seen her bring it back to life and cherish it on her own… I have seen her build a cage around her heart, letting it see the outside world but not moving from its place.

Today, she is strong again. No. She’s stronger than ever. She’s focused, her heart flies outside its cage and comes back again safely without getting hurt. She learned to fly solo. She learned to fly fast.

Today, she works to make her other friends happy. Especially a certain friend by giving her what she never had. She’s trying to give her someone that will cherish her and adore her. But she wont let her friend make the same mistakes as she did; she’s going make sure this happens right. No heart breaks. No lies. She plans on giving her something honest and true, something that is real and serious; something that’s not a game.

She told me this a while back. She also told me that she stopped searching; she stopped looking for that someone. She’s now just waiting for the right person to come along, as she makes sure her friends are happy. She’s now focusing on her life, her future, and her dreams.

5 years have passed since her first fall, and since then she fell many times.

She had her time to make mistakes and learned from them, with no regrets.

She grew from a girl to a young lady from her mistakes.

From a child to a mature adult

This is for you.

Stay strong.

Yours truly,

Fatma Bujsaim